суббота, 22 февраля 2020 г.


If you have specific technical questions about upgrading your project, please contact MicroStrategy Technical Support. Take a look at our product release cycle, find out how long releases will be supported, and learn more about how to migrate or upgrade your MicroStrategy implementation to take advantage of the latest platform features and capabilities. If you would like to extend the expiration date for 9. View latest products Migration planning and implementation services are available through MicroStrategy Consulting and can be requested through your Account Manager. Older releases Platform Releases Versions All customers with current maintenance plans are eligible to upgrade to equivalent products in the latest version. Platform Releases will be delivered approximately every 12 months and will be supported for a total of 36 months. microstrategy 9.2.1 software

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MicroStrategy highly recommends that customers upgrade to the latest Platform Release and corresponding update. No, they are not.

June 30, Need more time? You can continue to browse our site, however, for the best user experience, please consider updating your browser. Take a look at our product release cycle, find out how long releases will be supported, and learn more about how to migrate or upgrade your MicroStrategy implementation to take advantage of the latest platform features and micristrategy.

microstrategy 9.2.1 software

All customers with current maintenance plans are eligible to upgrade to equivalent products in the latest version. Platform Releases will go out to our entire customer base and will be supported for three years after release, with patches and a regular update cycle to address defects.

Support Lifecycle | MicroStrategy

Contact support Visit MicroStrategy Community. However, to ensure that customers no longer need to follow a six-month release cycle for the latest features and updates, we are now including new features in Platform Release Updates instead of feature releases.

If you have specific technical questions about upgrading your project, please contact MicroStrategy Technical Support. See how easy it is to upgrade.

microstrategy 9.2.1 software

For the past three years, feature releases were published every three months and supported for six months afterwards. If you would like to extend microstrattegy expiration date for 9.

Support Lifecycle

Platform Releases will be delivered approximately micrsotrategy 12 months and will be supported for a total of 36 months. Migration resources All customers with current maintenance plans are eligible to upgrade to equivalent products in the latest version.

MicroStrategy highly recommends that customers upgrade to the latest Platform Release and corresponding quarterly Updates. Our Technical Support team is here to ensure your success with MicroStrategy.

microstrategy 9.2.1 software

A Platform Release is built for broad customer adoption. We will make regular stability patches and quarterly updates to each Platform Release, and new features and functionality will be added to client and tools updates as MicroStrategy continues to innovate.

View latest products Migration planning and implementation services are available through MicroStrategy Consulting and can be requested through your Account Manager.

Older releases Platform Releases Versions Unfortunately, the browser you are using to view the MicroStrategy website is no longer supported. Migration planning and implementation services are available through MicroStrategy Consulting and can be requested through your Account Manager.

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