But I haven't tried yet myself, so just post here, if this is true. Thread Deleted Email Thread. Installing apps, upgrading apps, running most of the apps - impossible. I was able to move additional data and apps to my SD-card and could link some apps to the card. It is good for regular usage. Anyways after moving every possible data to SD the internal memory was still full and the phone unusable. Finally, I used the rooted device to install Android 4.
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I need to read word documents and sync an appointment book. Are you a developer? I've been spending a lot of sleepless nights trying to fix this.
How to increase internal memory of the HTC Wildfire S finally?
I doubt that stability of device in long run, because of frequent changes on the internal processing behavior. May 23, 30 19 I gave it a try. And now after some days playing around with all that usefull tipps from the internet, for example this thread: Don't install any app for moving applications to SD card and waste your memory. This is new package with old name.
How to increase internal memory of the HTC Wildfire S finally? - Avrocks Mobile phone site
Guest Quick Reply no urls or BBcode. Asked 6 years, 6 months ago.
Installing apps, upgrading apps, running most of the apps - impossible. I'm in a bit of confusion right now.
I might give it a try. Is there anything I'm doing wrong?
Anonymous, 14 Sep i have a samsung jet and was going to buy the wildfire s is it better than the wildfirw I also deleted some files that were no longer being used. Newest first Oldest first Best rating. This will free some space for some time but also clear that particular app's data. But I haven't tried yet myself, so just post here, if this is true.
I use SD Maid app, and use these functions: The built-in browser is good enough, i think. Which is better wildfire or desire.
Search this thread only Search this forum only Display results as threads. I'd check what's taking wildfirs so much of the internal memory. Discussion in ' Android Devices ' started by disciplexoneJul 14, wildffire Should I follow any other steps? Now create a mount script with App2SD using the su. I am using Wildfire S for last two months. Your name or email address: Battery booster and other apps claim that will improve the battery life.
Running data2sd in cm 10 | HTC Wildfire S
Now, I tried to go for the link2sd approach. Because it has attracted low-quality or spam answers that had to be removed, posting an answer now requires 10 reputation on this site the association bonus does not count. You've said that you partitioned before installing link2sd but not before installing data2sd. In wildrire custom ROM I've to open terminal wildfiree type a2sd install and supply option y,n,y.
What About The GamesIs this device Play games goodiam confused between lg p and htc wildfire s plz help thanks.
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